A Stiff Drink………and Chocolate

Navigating Daily Life, One Step at a Time…

Archive for the tag “Work Walk”

The Game Plan

I admittedly haven’t been disciplined enough lately to stick to any sort of plan to get myself healthy again OR follow a plan that will set me up for success. There has been a LOT going on at home and we all know how stress, uncertainty and general malaise can set in when things at home aren’t good. The irony is that when things at home aren’t ideal, that’s all the more reason to focus on yourself and especially getting you into a better mind frame, both physically and mentally. At the very least, if you aren’t taking care of yourself it’s going to spiral into worse situations to handle down the road when attempting to get fit. Meanwhile, getting your head on straight and proverbially taking care of yourself internally (personal aesthetics none-withstanding!) will better assist you in dealing with all that stress, and especially anxiety, that can come from daily life.

My biggest issue? I eat emotionally. When I’m upset, I eat. I LOVE sweets. Love. Adore. Gimme. If I’m not being emotionally fulfilled, I’ll turn to chocolate and especially soda. Yes. Soda. The calorie killer. Worse, caffeine can increase the affects of anxiety; which I also have. So it makes sense doesn’t it? I’m upset, stressed, sad and I turn to the two things that are highest in caffeine (and caffeine is also highly addictive) and therefor will raise my adrenaline levels to create a sort of feeling of excitement.  Now, in moderation this wouldn’t be an issue. But whose’s talking moderation when one’s upset and just wants to feel a little better?!

I have taken steps to try and eat better at home. Unfortunately this hasn’t gone well with my current schedule. So lifestyle changes need to be made.

So what exactly is my Game Plan then? (and how?)


1.) Wean myself off of soda – One a day max for the next week, then one every other day for the week after, etc until done. Now if I get there sooner, than great.

2.) Plan meals as much as possible.

3.) Have back up quick meals available for those times when scheduling doesn’t go as planned.

4.) Eat smaller meals/snacks a day – 5x a day. At: 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm.

5.) Don’t eat after 8pm

6.) Start taking vitamin supplements. Especially since I haven’t been eating well at all.

7.) Start taking my protein shakes again. Most likely as my 1pm meal after a work walk.

8.) Start running again. Even more important since I am now not only signed up for the Haunted Happy Family 5k at Walt Disney World in October, but have also registered for the Inaugural Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend 10k in January.

9.) Start strength training 3x a week again. I’ve been considering getting the P90x3 or the T25 programs from Beachbody as I used to do P90X but an hour at home isn’t too easy to accomplish. 30 minutes I can find time for.

10.) Most importantly, make time for ME.

I have a plan. Now, GO!

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